Monday, October 21, 2013

Update on J

I am sure you have all noticed that I don't write that much about J, and perhaps are wondering why, or lamenting the absence. There are a couple reasons for this:

1) J's job involves a lot of very important government business, and is therefore very confidential. I realize that that is a silly way to say it, but it's true. He and his colleagues take that responsibility and confidentiality very seriously, and the last thing that they want is for anything (and they mean anything) about how they do things to be posted on a blog where anyone can read it. So J's job is largely not an available topic. I will say (with J's permission), that it is a good job, and he thinks that it will be a good fit for him.

2) J is a much more private person than I am (as are most people, probably). I don't mind posting whatever happens or even whatever pops into my mind. But J prefers to have knowledge of his personal opinions and activities restricted to the specific people he chooses to tell, and that is not possible on a blog, since anyone can accidentally stumble upon it. I respect this about J, and therefore try to only broadcast my silly thoughts and actions, not his.

So as you can imagine, with work and personal life largely ruled out, J does tend to be rather absent from the blog-world. But he is here, plugging away and enjoying NZ right along with me. You'll just have to imagine it, I guess. :)


  1. I am glad that J is enjoying his work. I was worried about that! I hope you are all on the mend soon! Kathy Lee.

  2. Don't worry, Kathy - it's all good. And I think we're both healthy now, so we'll just hope it continues. We miss you and Matt, though!
