Monday, October 14, 2013

Out of Time

I have discovered, over the last few years, that my ability to deal with illness with some degree of grace lasts about a day and a half before transforming, without warning, into the ability to construe any and every event as a catastrophe, and to turn into a helpless puddle of misery in two seconds flat. Maybe it's the sleepless nights catching up with me, or the heartbreaking realization that illness always lasts longer than I think it will, or that I have a limited supply of illness-related grace and I use it up too fast, but the transformation always happens, causing great misfortune for me and anyone who has to deal with me. This time, it happened yesterday evening, and thank goodness for J's presence of mind to make me yet another cup of tea and force me to stay on the couch and relax.

In a brilliant stroke of luck, I actually slept well last night, and felt slightly more able to handle making an appointment and going to the doctor. After an hour of waiting to see a nurse (and managing to maintain a facade of patience, of which I am proud), I was relieved that she went ahead and prescribed me antibiotics. My years and year of experience with sinus infections (which is what this has turned into) have taught me that no matter how diligent I am with home remedies, my body cannot fight off sinusitis. Most other things it can beat, but not this. I was worried, however, that they would be reticent to prescribe me any, because I learned that antibiotics are more strictly regulated here. I learned this when I went to the pharmacy to buy Neosporin/Polysporin/Triple Antibiotic Ointment, and was told that absolutely everything with antibiotics in it is by prescription only. But not to worry, I have drugs now, and all will be better soon.

As a reward for not having cried or yelled at anyone at the doctor's, I am back home, preparing to lapse back into couch potato mode and watch some more movies. Here I go.


  1. Sure hope you are feeling better after a day on antibiotics. steam bathes help me clear things out. Love you both and take care of yourself!

  2. Richard Harris
    Sorry to hear you are sick but I'm glad you seem to be on the mend. Movie recommendation--in case you haven't already seen it, check out WHALE RIDER--excellent look at Maori culture, and the lead was nominated for best actress oscar.

  3. Thanks Kim and Richard. I am still feeling bad today, but it's usually the third day on antibiotics when I really feel better, so tomorrow will be good.

    Richard, Whale Rider is on my movie list, and J just got us a membership to a United Video, so we will rent it soon.
