Friday, October 11, 2013

Rain on a Metal Roof (Moving Week: Day 6)

Remember that picture from yesterday of me using the Internet? Well, that is where I am going to be all day today, only reading on my iPad instead of working on the computer. It will be lovely to spend a day drinking tea and reading. :)

It is a perfect day for it today - it has been raining hard since last night, and the rain on the metal roof is such a comforting sound. When it started last night, I will a bit worried that it would keep me up, but I think it actually lulled me to sleep instead. I like being warm and cozy in the house when it's really rainy outside. And yes, our house is warm(ish) and cozy today. I am amazed by how well the little heaters work!

Both J and I started to feel more like we live here last night. I think it was getting the Internet to work that finally did it. Not having it made us feel so isolated, which does not mesh well with feeling at home somewhere. This is especially true because we had a long list of things we needed to do on the Internet (online banking and cell phone bills, not to mention emailing, blogging, and Skyping), and having to leave home to do them made us feel unsettled. Anyway, the shift felt great. As we were getting into bed, J said, "I feel like this is the first house that we really live in." I share the feeling. The studio we lived in was unique and beautiful, but also difficult to manage, and we weren't allowed to change anything. Our apartment in Ottawa was nice, but I find apartment buildings not very homey, and again, we weren't allowed to change anything. This house, however, feels like ours. Adele is treating it like it's ours, and we are able to make it our own however we choose, and that is a lovely feeling.

My first cozy rainy day activity was Skyping with my cousin Maria, which was very nice. Skype is such an amazing tool - I love that we can have tea together and catch up when we're in different countries, time zones, and hemispheres!

Also, I replaced the flusher-buttons on our toilet all by myself this morning! I am quite proud of myself, and it made me feel even more ownership in the house! I did make some mistakes, the biggest one being that I didn't take a picture of where everything went before I took it apart. I feel like it's not a good sign to get everything put back together and have an extra piece left over. But after some guesswork, trial-and-error, and squinting, I figured out where it went, and the toilet is running great now. I think that pretty much makes me a superhero.

Having thereby fulfilled my productivity quota for the day, I will now begin my reading marathon. If I need a break later, I will put up some pictures, but no promises. :)

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