Sunday, October 20, 2013

Nice Sunday

Today didn't feel like a busy day, but it's late at night already, and this is the first time I have sat down at my computer to write.

J magically woke up feeling good today, after being feverish and sick all day yesterday. I don't know what happened, but we are so glad that it went away so quickly!

I got to sleep in, and then get up and Skype with Dad, which was lovely. Have I mentioned that I really appreciate Skype?

Then I cleaned up the house a bit, because my friend Kirsten was coming over to try on clothes. J's coworker's partner went through her closet to get rid of extra clothes, and J's coworker noticed that we're about the same size, so he passed them on to me. Kirsten and I are about the same size as well, so we tackled the 4 big bags of clothes together. It reminded me of the clothes drives at Manhattan Mennonite Church, which I used to look forward to every year. Only this time, all the clothes were all gorgeous, in great condition, and just my size! All those things, plus FREE, is like clothes shopping in heaven. :) So we had a lot of fun trying everything on, and both ended up with some great clothes.

Next, we took the huge German Shepard Kirsten is dog-sitting for a nice, long walk around Wembley Park. It was the first time I got to use the secret door in our fence in the back, and it was very exciting. Also, the park is beautiful, the weather is finally warm and sunny, and it's nice to have a dog on a walk.

After that, J and I cooked supper together. I have decided to learn to cook, and J surprised me last week by going out and buying the basic materials that I needed to start. He is cooking a meal one night to teach me how to do it, and then I am doing it the next night myself. We are starting with VERY simple things - frying fish/chicken and seasoning canned vegetables - but I am quite proud of myself. After years of living by myself and eating healthy only by buying healthy cereal and lots of fruits and vegetables to compensate for my utter lack of cooking ability, I am happy to start simple. And you know what? Canned green beans and fish fried in olive oil is utterly respectable food, and I like eating it. :) J is actually a very good cook, so I have faith that I will not stay with totally basic foods forever. And regardless, I like cooking with J, so it's all good.

We finished up the night by watching a movie. We rented Eagle Eye, which was pretty good, although I don't think I really needed that much suspense in my life. But it was fun.

All in all, it was a very good day, and now we're very tired and need to get a good night's sleep. J is off to work in the morning, and I am finally not sick, and can get back to visiting Early Learning Centres. Yay!

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