Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We're Off and Away!!!

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Place!
You're off and away!"
                      ~ Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!

I have always loved Dr. Seuss, and I especially love this book, because Abe and Dad collaborated to make a "special Emma edition" of it, complete with rhymes and illustrations. The last page shows J and I moving on to our next adventure, so I feel that it is a fitting picture for today. Thanks to Dad and Abe for the wonderful image and words.

We fly out at 6:30 this evening, and will reach NZ at 9:00 Wednesday morning! We will spend 22 hours traveling, plus the 17 hours of time changes which means that we skip most of Tuesday. I find that a bit hard to grasp, especially when I try to write it down in my planner, and, of course, the times I'm writing down for planes taking off and landing do not even vaguely approximate the corresponding lengths of time that we will spend on each airplane. My organizational mind (not to mention my unimaginative planner) do not appreciate this. 

However, I do appreciate that the long flight is mostly overnight, so I will have a better than average chance of sleeping on the plane, which is good. Aside from my physical difficulty sleeping on planes, I almost always have a hard time putting down my book to even try to sleep. I am currently reading Children of the Mind, by Orson Scott Card, and have not had nearly enough time to sit and read lately, so the four hour flight to San Francisco is going to be entirely devoted to reading. Yay! I actually love being on planes, because I am "forced" to read for hours on end, which - if I were to be honest - is what I would love to do all the time anyway. Lovely.

J, on the other hand, gets terribly airsick, and so will take lots of Dramamine and just try to relax, at which he usually does pretty well. Wish him luck!

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