Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Bon Voyage To Us!

Well, the day has finally come. We're getting on a plane in just two hours to fly back to the States! We have 38 hours of travel time before arriving in Jacksonville, Florida, where we will rest up for a day before going on a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas. Yay! Abe gave us a certificate for this cruise for our wedding, and we're finally getting to use it, which will be awesome. Thanks, Abe!

After that, we'll be spending some time with J's family in Florida and Alabama, then flying to Manhattan for some time with friends and family there. Next, up to Iowa for the Denner side of the family, then back to Kansas City for the Renaissance Festival and time with Maria, then back to New Zealand. It is going to be a wonderful whirlwind of a trip.

Hopefully, we will get to see many of you at some point during our trip. For those of you who are in Manhattan, we will be there from the 28th of August to the 4th of September, and will be going to church on Sunday the 30th. It will be busy, but great.

I will probably share some pictures of our adventures while we're gone, but not too many, as none of them will be "Kiwi adventures."

Wish us luck and grant us the ability to sleep on the plane, please! Especially J, as he gets airsick and will be much happier if he can be unconscious as much of the time as possible.


  1. Enjoy your time back home guys. We arrived in New Zealand at much the same time and I have been back to Australia a few times since then. For you two, it is nearly two years. Well earned and deserved.

    1. Thanks! Yes, it's been a long time for us. I'm glad that you're a little bit closer to home so you can visit more often. We'll make the most of our time this trip!
