Friday, July 11, 2014

Terror on the Beach Update: Seals Have Fangs

Remember how I said that Holly the Idiot managed to come away from the seal encounter unscathed? Well, I was wrong. I took her on another walk today, and this time her raucous adventures were of the non-terrifying kind, but they did get her covered in mud, so home we went for a bath. In her post-bath fluffiness, as I was toweling and brushing her dry, I noticed a rather sizable amount of fur missing from her side. My best guess as to how I didn't see it yesterday is that her hair is very silky and smooth, and must have laid over it so that the skin didn't show. Also, please remember that I did not actually finish my post-fight check, because Holly was determined to get right back in there. And then after that, I figured since she seemed fine, what would I be looking for? Well... a bite. That's what.

Hmm, bald spot. Wonder where that could have come from?

Upon closer inspection by J (if one must have an insane dog, one really should be married to a veterinarian), it was discovered that there are, in fact, two puncture wounds from two very big fangs. You can see one at the right end of the bald spot, and the other is in the white area near the middle, but is already swollen to the point of being hard to see. I am a little unclear on how the fangs so efficiently shaved off all of her fur down to the skin without doing more damage to the skin itself, but I am thankful that that is the case.

J is off to get some cephalexin to ward off nasty infections in the wounds, and we'll hope for the best. She is continuing to act completely unhurt, so it's hard to be too worried.

Conclusion Part Three: Do not fight with a seal. They have fangs.


  1. It's only entertaining now that we know you all are still alive.Now you can add furry mammals to your near death experiences.
    Dean D

    1. Dad, I feel that same way. I just hope I don't eventually die from furry mammals.

  2. I am so thankful you both are ok!
