Sunday, September 30, 2018

Breaker Bay (a.k.a. Hurry Up, Summer!)

I know it is a bit strange to go from a post about snowboarding to a post about swimming at the beach, but spring has arrived in Wellington, if not yet up in the mountains. We're being rather picky and hoping for prolonged cold weather in the mountains and a very warm spring in our dear Wellington. So far, we seem to be doing well with both.

It is not, in actual fact, warm enough for us to contemplate swimming at the beach (although I'm sure some people are, and perhaps have been all winter), but I'm getting excited for warm weather!

These pictures are actually from last summer, from a completely glorious afternoon J and I spent at Breaker Bay, which is on the other side of Wellington. It must have happened during a particularly busy period when I had lots of other exciting things to share, because somehow it never earned a post. But I decided it would be a good way to welcome/encourage a beautiful spring.

We passed this just before we got to Breaker Bay, and I don't know if it belongs to someone or how it came to be here, but isn't it stunning? This is one of my current favourite vistas!

We strolled along towards Breaker Bay to find a good place to swim. Towards the left in the picture you can see a rock with a dark spot on it - that's actually a tunnel, which we walked through, and then where we swam is just on the other side.

We swam in our wetsuits, because even in summer, the ocean is freezing. I was freezing despite my wetsuit, and even J was a bit chilly. Meanwhile, there are people all around us swimming without wetsuits and not seeming cold at all! Wow!
Anyway, I was freezing, so after I peeled off my wetsuit, J buried me in the sunwarmed sand, and it was glorious. It baked me right back to toasty warm.

Oh yes, here is that tunnel through the rock I mentioned. It's quite a cool formation. We ended our afternoon at the beach when J announced he was hungry and headed off to find food immediately. I can't remember where we ate, but food after working up an appetite with swimming and sun is always the best.

And here is the tunnel from the other side. I think that is so beautiful and fascinating!

So, in summary, I'm ready for beach season again.

Also, we moved into a much nicer house this week, and so my plan is to share pictures of it in my next post, by which time we should be all unpacked and have it organized the way we'd like it. Moving has been unusually stressful (which is perhaps another prompt for my desire for time at the beach), but we are over the hump now and ready to enjoy our new house.

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