Sunday, September 2, 2018

64 Trees

Since my last post, about being very busy snowboarding, we have not gone snowboarding, because instead, I've been busy trying to heal my shoulder after a bicycle crash. Which, to be clear, is way less fun than snowboarding. I have been trying to rest it, and have kept it in a sling for two weeks, but it's not really getting better, so I'm off to the doctor tomorrow to see what I should do. In the meantime, I will limit my typing today, as it aggravates my shoulder for some reason.

This amazingly beautiful creation was given to me by one of my children and her family, when she turned five and went to school this week. It was made by her grandfather, who likes to collect and classify wood from trees around NZ. There are 64 different trees represented in this chessboard, if you can believe it! I think it is stunning almost beyond belief, and can't believe such a precious gift was given to me! It was their intention, and is mine, that I will share it with the children and use it as a teaching tool, but I will also treasure it personally. I feel so honoured when families share such meaningful things with me.

I'm hoping you'll be able to read this; they thoughtfully included a chart to show which type of wood is which. Most of them have beautiful Māori names. I haven't had much of a chance to study them yet, but I fully intend to, and will hopefully write a post at some point with what I've learned.
Please do let me know if you can't read the names, and I'll try to figure out a better way to share them.

I'm going to go back to resting my shoulder and reading. Cross your fingers for good news from the doctor tomorrow!

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