Sunday, February 4, 2018

Word-play in Bulls

This may be my most long-awaited post, although no one but me was awaiting it, so I'm not sure if that counts. Early on in our time in NZ, about 4 1/2 year ago, I noticed that in a little town called Bulls, there are hilarious little signs that show that the locals are ready - eager, even - to be amused by their town's rather unusual name. There are only 1, 500 residents, but it seems like they must be a very fun crowd.

We drive through Bulls on the way to and from Wanganui to visit friends, as well as on the way up the mountain to go snowboarding, so I get regular opportunities to be amused. I have said, since the first time I passed through, that I wanted to stop sometime and walk around, taking pictures of the signs so that I could share them with all of you. But I always end up being in a hurry to get where I'm going, and so it hasn't happened. Then, when Dad and Lucinda said that they'd like to drive through the countryside, I said Bulls would be the perfect destination; not too close or too far, complete with a fantastic restaurant for dinner, and with the added attraction of word-play galore. So off we went.

On the way into town is a big sign, which I didn't take a picture of because I was driving, that says, "Welcome to Bulls, a town like no udder." I though I'd have to pull over to take a picture on the way out, but found this on a shop window and decided it would be sufficient.

In the last year or so, they've added these huge, beautiful bulls all over town.

They are stunning and quite life-like, especially in the eyes.

There is also this impressive metal bull. What it lacks in realism it makes up for in size.

This is what all the rubbish bins look like. Awesome, right?

The following pictures are all of the same style - different business around town that have plaques with "_____-a-bull" on them, depending on what the business is. I tried to get pictures in which you can tell what business it is, but if not, I'll add a caption. Sometimes the signs are a bit hard to see - click on the picture to make it bigger and you should be able to read them.

On the realtor's office.

On a clothing boutique.

On a seamstress's shop.

On the benches and such - Unforget-a-bull is their catchphrase.

On the RSA (Returned and Services Association).

The cafe is called Mothered Goose, not just Mothered. Just FYI.

On the local Subway. We were amazed to see that even big chains like that got in on the fun.

Scully's makes beautiful-smelling soaps and cosmetics.

On the old, historic jail.

On the tyre store.

On the mechanic's shop next door.

This appears to me to be the oldest sign, which I like to think means that the police force started this whole fun game. How wonderful to think of police officers with a sense of humour.

I realize this isn't an "-a-bull sign," but it's on the police station garage, and it's awesome!

I love that the local cafe got "Delect-a-bull" and McDonald's had to settle for "Consum-a-bull." As least they're honest. And it's actually quite cool that a huge corporation is having fun in a little town.

In the middle of town (by the huge metal bull) we found this signpost, helping interested parties such as ourselves to find hilarity at every turn. And also, I supposed, helpful if you actually wanted to find something like the library or cafe.

That completes the "Ador-a-bull" sign section of this post, but there is more to come. Some businesses elected to participate in the community amusement in different ways.

This little picture packs a load of hilarity into just one store-front. Definitely click to make it bigger so you can enjoy all the treats.

Along a similar vein, we found this in the restaurant where we had dinner.

The local Chinese restaurant has their own beautiful bull character.

We needed at least one "moooo" joke in town, I think.

This was one of the last places we saw, and then we were surprised that there weren't more Bulls Eye references, as it seems quite obvious now. But it was the only one.

Couldn't manage to avoid the glare off this window, but it's still pretty adorable.

There we have it. A celebration of a tiny town that's having a wonderful time amusing itself and anyone who passes through. I think society could use more places like this. It will continue to bring a smile to my face every time I go by.

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