Thursday, March 31, 2016

Illness Update

After feeling better on Monday, my cough got worse again on Tuesday, as did the tightness in my chest. I therefore took another sick day on Wednesday and went back to the doctor, not knowing if I should continue to wait it out, get more medicine, or be thankful that I had more energy again and just go back to work.

Unfortunately, I do not feel that my doctor's visit adequately answered this question. The doctor seemed unwilling be very definite about anything. He did, however, assert that the two types of antibiotics I'd been on had apparently not been effective against the particular kind of bacteria infecting my lungs. So now I'm on a super-killing form of antibiotics. I really wanted to turn down any more antibiotics, but I am so determined to get rid of this thing once and for all, and it just won't go away.

The doctor also recommended that I stay home for the rest of this week. I have never in my life taken so many sick days in a row, and I am having trouble accepting that this is the right choice, since I am definitely not as sick now as I was last week. However, I am also clearly not back to normal, and I am terrified by the very idea of making myself worse again. So here I am at home for four more days (including the weekend), trying, by sheer force of will (and quantity of soothing tea) to ensure that I will be 100% healthy by Monday.

I miss work, and have an irrational fear that my children will all have forgotten me by the time I go back. I've missed several 4th birthdays already, and I hate that!

That all being said, I am firmly believing in this new antibiotic (what other choice do I have), and the upset stomach it is causing is completely worth it if it gets my lungs back into gear.

The good news is that my more positive attitude, kick-started by all my wonderfully supportive neighbours, friends, and family, is here to stay. Four more days is not so bad. I can stay optimistic through that, and even do a better job of appreciating the good things about being at home - namely reading. I'm currently re-reading The Poisonwood Bible for the umpteenth time, and am as amazed and appreciative of it as ever. I could read it for the rest of my life. If you haven't read it, you should.

I'm hoping that this positivity is going to join forces with the antibiotic, and between the two of them, I won't be able to be anything but healthy. Look out, Monday!


  1. Hope this new round of antibiotics does the trick! Love you!

  2. Oh, Emma, I am so sorry you're suffering! Unfortunately the doctor (and J) are right, pneumonia is no joke to fool around with. It permanently scars your lungs, and each time you get it you increase the chance of getting it again. My mother got it 'way too many times--asthmatic and we kept bringing home cats, and she'd go back to bed--I can't imagine you sitting still for more than an hour at a time, but do follow dr's orders, woman--your body needs you to!
