Monday, October 20, 2014

A Walk in Barrett Domain

My friend and I often take our dogs for walks together. Usually, we go to the beach, but this weekend we went to Barrett Domain, which is a park with a lake in the middle, where dogs can run around off the leach.

Holly and Harry (her dog) took a little while to get used to each other when they first got to know each other, and to stop barking frantically each time they met again, but now they are good buddies, and love to run around together. Holly and Harry have sleepovers when J and I go out of town, and apparently it's quite an exciting time for them.

I think Barrett Domain is quite pretty, so I took some pictures for you to enjoy.

 This is Harry at the edge of a drop-off, trying to decide if it's wise to follow Holly, who leapt off of it into the muddy stream below. He is always watching Holly, but seldom chooses to participate in her shenanigans. Which is probably wise.

Holly is a happy puppy!

So far, after over a year in NZ, my amazement at and appreciation of the overwhelming greenness has not decreased in the slightest.

Harry is chasing after Holly as usual. We can't decide if he wants to catch up and join in but is a little nervous, or if he really does know that joining in would only get him in trouble. Either way, it's funny to watch.

Thank goodness for this clear part of the stream, to return Holly to a much less disgustingly muddy state before I took her home. She still needed a bath, but my car fared pretty well, so it was a success, all things considered.

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