Monday, July 16, 2018

Rarotonga Part 4: Beautiful Beachiness

I realize that I already put lots of beautiful beach photos in my first Rarotonga post, but despite my herculean efforts to keep my photos to a manageable number, there are still lots more that I couldn't bear to delete.
See? Look at that? How do you delete that?

Anyway, the pictures are wonderful and I hope you enjoy them. I won't be saying a lot about each one, partially because they don't need a lot of explanation, and partially because I'm on day two of a debilitating headache and words are hard right now. Anyway, don't worry about my rambling, and just enjoy the beauty.

J's favourite way to swim is by floating on his back, and his ideal time is dusk.

As I mentioned, the beach is covered in diverse and fascinating coral formations, due to the close proximity of living reef to shore.

Sometimes the coral is imbedded in the rocks, which is fun.

I was walking along this stretch of beach when my audio book described a tropical paradise which exactly matched what I was looking at. Fabulous moment in the life of a book-lover.

I can't get over the colours of the water.

During the time each day when J and I did our own thing, I was usually on the beach, listening to an audio book (a fantastic series about dragons, to be exact), with one earbud out so I could also enjoy the ocean sounds.

I am still having trouble with my knee, and can only walk for short periods of time, so I took frequent breaks and just watched the water (which is why I had an audio book instead of a vision-dependent paper book) or drew in the sand.

When I exhausted the short list of things I can draw, I switched to rock/coral arrangements. 

This one was not artistic, but it was fun and beautiful. I am still amazed at all the different tiny things I could find when I started looking.

Several days in, I noticed the ridges in the sand from the waves, and then really enjoyed walking in the troughs in between.

J's preference for dusk dovetails nicely with my enjoyment of sunsets, especially over water, so we watched the sun go down almost every night.

One day, J was so hot after our bike ride back to the hotel, that he walked straight into the water, fully dressed.

I don't know what it was about the lighting or the angle, but somehow you can see the coral under the water in this picture, which I didn't expect and is fabulous.

It's hard to tell in the picture, but those vines on the ground to the left are covered in beautiful pink flowers.

I'll write more about this rock in a later post, but it's included here just for its beauty in the multicoloured water.

Another lovely sunset.

See the tall, thin dot of black towards the middle at the horizon? That's J out walking on the barrier reef at the edge of the lagoon.

This might be my favourite view from our whole trip.

There were many very awesome tide pools. This actually looks like the one we saw the lionfish in, although it is not.

This is from the shore where we went paddle boarding.

I'm going to go rest my head. I hope I am feeling more expressive next week, as I'd like to write about our cultural experiences.

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