Monday, September 18, 2017

29th Birthday

A couple weeks ago, it was my 29th birthday. I don't feel a need to do anything particularly special for my birthday, but I was a bit disappointed to spend it at home with a chest infection. Oh well. I'm lucky that I have a job at which I wanted to be on my birthday, and people (preschoolers and grown-ups) who are delighted to help celebrate with me, even if it's delayed due to illness. We had a lovely little celebration when I came back to work.

On a much more positive note, I was delighted by the thoughtfulness of the presents I received the week of my birthday. I am not particularly into owning lots of things, and so getting presents is a mixed bag for me, but when people are so intentional about choosing things that I will use and enjoy, it is wonderful. And that's what happened.

J bought me this stunning tea set, which is just perfect, and which I have used almost every day since he gave it to me. He knows how much I love to have tea parties, and also that I am not allowed to have caffeine (because of my heart), so I need to be able to brew my own tea at said parties, so as not to limit my distinguished guests to the distressingly narrow choice of decaf tea. Therefore, personal teapots. Perfect. Also, the same pattern done in different colour schemes is one of my favourite things. Perfect again.

The pots and cups are beautiful, as is the way they stack together. The saucers have my favourite pattern of all, and I admire them each time I use them.
J also bought me some loose-leaf tea, and managed to find some that is decaf and also delicious, which is impressive.

Also, I discovered by accident that when the cup is in the sun next to a shadow, the gold leaf makes wonderful reflective patterns. I foresee hours of entertainment.

One of my children gave me this beautiful flower, which she'd brought back from the Marshall Islands (tiny islands in the Pacific). They make these flowers there from coconut flower fibres, and they are unique to the Marshall Islands, which is so special. Also, my wonderful children all think that I look like Moana when I wear it tucked behind my ear, which is a serious compliment, and a special connection to the child who gave it to me, with whom I sing Moana songs almost daily. You'll also notice that my necklace, which J gave me seven years ago (long before Moana), is accidentally lit up in this picture. That is fantastic, because the children remark on a regular basis that it looks like "the heart of Te Fiti", which Moana wears in a necklace in the movie. It looks even more like the magic movie one when it's lit up like that. Also, I was wearing the beautiful earrings that Mom sent me for my birthday, which you'll notice are also ocean themed. Conclusion: I definitely became Moana when I turned 29. 
(Note: If you have not seen Moana, you should watch it. It is not only a truly inspiring movie, it is also a wonderful way that Pasifika is being celebrated in the wider world. I will have to post about it sometime.)  

My lovely colleagues at work, and my head teacher in particular, got me these stunning orchids. She had no way of knowing that I love orchids, but she does know that my favourite colour is green. She picked well. Plus, two weeks later, they are still gorgeous and are brightening up our dining room.

Mom sent me this charming canvas painting, along with the delightful suggestion that I use it as inspiration for imaginative storytelling with the children. I suspect that they will come up with some fantastical ideas about how she got in the jar and what she might do. I love gifts that I can use with my children, as they bring joy to me and to some of my favourite people in the world.

I am so thankful for the kindness and generosity of the people around me, and it is touching that they know me so well that they can pick out things that are so meaningful to me. I'm a pretty luck 29-year-old. Pretty lucky for any age, I think.

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