Sunday, May 17, 2015

Last Pictures from Susan's Visit

This post has a little of this and a little of that, as it contains the pictures that didn't fit into any of my other "Susan's Trip" posts.

It will also be rather brief on explanations, as I caught my left pointer finger in the gears of a drill at work, so I have to choose between trying to reprogram my brain to type without it, or deal with a stab of pain every time I type 'f', 'r', 't', 'g', 'v', or 'b'. I have chosen the former, leaving my brain rather discombobulated, so I will aim to be succinct.

Susan wasn't sure she'd be able to make it to the top of Paritutu, but she did!

We almost never get pictures with both J and I in them, so that was a special treat for us!

After Hobbiton, we took Susan to the Hamilton Garden, which she loved, as anyone would.

The red leaves in the Italian balcony were even more stunning than the green from last time.

Susan looking beautiful on the bridge, not realizing that the troll has come out from under it and is sneaking up on her!

Since the last time I was in the Hamilton Gardens (with Patty), they have opened a new "House of Tudor" area, including this wonderful Alice in Wonderland/Harry Potter garden.

J was immediately in love with the unicorn, of course.

I liked the dragon, which reminded me of the movie "Flight of Dragons" that I loved as a kid.

Did you know that Kiwifruit grows on vines like grapes? This was a majorly shocking and confusing discovery for me, although I did have to admit, upon reflection, that I'd never had much of a concept of where they would grow. Arguably, they would look just as strange on a bush or a tree.
It was a funny circumstance that we found ripe Kiwifruit on this trip, as Susan had just discovered the previous day that she found them delicious!

Susan fell in love with fantails on her first day in NZ, and decided that the one souvenir she wanted was a coffee/tea mug with one on it. Although we searched and searched, we still hadn't found one when she came to visit my kindergarten. Upon hearing this, my incredibly sweet and thoughtful colleague bought her a cute stuffed animal, complete with fantail sounds. Then when we finally did find this beautiful mug, the fantail set was complete!

Susan and Holly quickly became best friends, and had many lovely cuddles. Susan missed her dogs a lot while she was here, but Holly made sure that she never lacked dog affection.

Well, I'm sure everyone is shocked that I didn't manage to be very brief. Never was my best skill. Off to rest my busted finger now.

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