Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hamilton Gardens Part 2

As promised, I am posting the rest of the pictures from the Hamilton Gardens. Even looking at the pictures makes me want to go back!

Herb Gardens 
(Remember that here, they pronounce the 'h' in 'herb'.)

This part of the garden smelled AMAZING! And just as J was mentioning how ready the smell made him for dinner, this guy walked by and said loudly, "This garden makes me want to go and eat!" We were quite entertained.

This four-part herb garden was divided into "Medicinal," "Cosmetic," "Pot-pourri," and "Culinary." 

The Sustainable Backyard
This garden was designed with a family of two adults and two children in mind. It is imagined that half a day a week is spent in the garden by the whole family.
The garden would provide some in season food with relative ease, but not necessarily all the food needed. The children would be involved in ways such as collecting the eggs, and would learn some of the ideals of gardening and sustainability.
The vegetables have been incorporated into the design in a way which is aesthetically pleasing while also being practical.

That triangle is a very neat little chicken coop!

This space was so compact and full of cool things, it was hard to get any good pictures, but it was really neat.

 Eucalyptus Tree

We were strolling calmly along by some flowers, when I said, "Hmmm, smells like someone used that lemon/eucalyptus bug spray I used to like." J, being slightly better educated than I am (at times), said, "No, that's an actual eucalyptus tree." Once I got over being impressed with myself for so accurately identifying a smell (which I usually cannot do), I was slightly unnerved to realize that I only know the smell in its processed, bug spray version.
Anyway, beautiful smell (and much better in real life), and a beautiful tree!

Look how lovely it is!

Valley Walk
A landscape garden in Naturalistic/Aesthetic Style using indigenous Waikato plants.
(Remember, Waikato is the region Hamilton is in).

This part was much less like a manicured garden, and much more like walking through a natural valley, but still very beautiful, so I'd say they achieved their goal in the description.

Lovely little bridge in the valley.

Well, thus concludes my photos from the Hamilton Gardens - until next time, that is.


  1. Kathy here: It looks absolutely stunning. If Matt and I ever get to NZ, you will have to take us there.
