Sunday, August 27, 2017

Congratulations to J!

The big news in our lives is that J has accepted a new job, about which he is very excited! Starting on the 11th of September (4 years to the day from our arrival in NZ) he will start in his new role as Senior Advisor in the Biosecurity Response team. It will be his job to organize things when the government needs to respond to a biosecurity threat. This will include things like foreign insects eating apple crops or a pneumonia in cattle that came over from somewhere. This is particularly vital in such an isolated country with such unique flora and fauna.

He is still working for the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), the branch of the government for which he has worked, in various roles, since we moved here. He feels good about working in this organization, and is looking forward to getting to know his new team.

He says that he is very excited for this job because it is an opportunity for him to step up and take on more responsibility, to take risks, and to make a name for himself. He feels that it is a step in the right direction towards long-term goals of my management or leadership roles. He also thinks that he will find the work more rewarding, which is awesome.

Those are the things that J wanted to share about his new job. You'll notice that he is much more succinct than I ever manage to be. We all have our strengths.

I just want to add that I am so proud of him, and that being hired for this position shows that other people are recognizing how amazing and brilliant he is. J works hard every day, and really deserves to reap the benefits of that, and I'm so glad that it's happening.

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