Monday, October 24, 2016

Rough Week

This week has been a rough one for J and me. We are both not feeling well and had stressful weeks at work, which is never a good combination.

I have been fighting a sinus infection for a month and a half, trying everything at my disposal to get rid of it without antibiotics, as I have had to take them so many times for sinus infections that I am getting very worried about antibiotic resistance, and they have even not worked several times in the past. But I ran out of other options and was feeling worse than ever, so antibiotics won out this week, and now my sinuses are slowly improving while the rest of me compensates by flaring up with all kinds of antibiotic side-effects, although I should be thankful that they are not as bad this time as they sometimes are.

Sadly, I am in perfect condition compared to poor J, who has had a violently upset stomach since Wednesday, and who I had to take to the hospital yesterday for IV fluids, as he couldn't even keep water down. A day in a busy hospital was not helpful for either of our psyches, but I was impressed by how calmly J dealt with it all, despite how sick he was. Fortunately, J has perked up a bit since his hospital stay and actually kept some soup down last night, so that's very encouraging. He will probably have to have most of this week off work to rest and recuperate, and I'm just hoping that the recuperation starts soon so he can maybe even enjoy a quiet day at home, rather than just being miserable.

J's job is continuing to be stressful, and although he is trying his best, it is a difficult situation for him and the chronic stress does nothing positive for his health. My job is usually quite positive and rewarding, but some recent changes have made for some interpersonal conflict that produces tension. While none of it directly involves me, and while my professional relationships remain positive, the tension between others really gets to me. I am sure that it will resolve itself as we settled into the new system, but that doesn't feel immensely comforting as it's happening. In addition, I found out that my child who speak French is leaving next month, which means I won't have anyone to speak French with at work, which is so disappointing, as I was loving that!

Well, that was a lot of complaining to do all at once! It's just felt like one thing after another this week, but I am sure next week will be much better.

To end on a positive note, did you know that NZ has the best French Toast in the whole world? Here they put bacon and friend bananas on it (along with syrup, of course). I thought it sounded like a strange combination at first, but it has become one of my favourite meals ever. I don't actually remember when or where I took this picture, but I stumbled across it and remembered that I definitely have a responsibility to share this delicious news with everyone I know. So, if you're ever in NZ, please make sure to eat the French Toast!

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