Monday, March 28, 2016

Kindness is Healing

Just a few minutes after I posted my pathetic, whiney post yesterday, my phone rang, and it was lovely Jan from Whanganui! She and Brian had seen my post and wanted to call and make sure I was okay and give me some sympathy and support. We had a wonderful chat, and I felt better afterwards.

J, who has been doing extra chore duty while I've been useless, ran into two of our neighbours yesterday, and told them that I'd been sick. This morning, we get a knock at the door, and our neighbour Jan from down the hill was there with a fresh bouquet of flowers from her garden! Not too long after that, we get another knock, and there's Julia from across the street with some fresh-baked muffins! Both wished me a speedy recovery, and it warmed my heart.

Combine that with people being very loving and supportive on Facebook and in emails, and with J who continues to reassure me that I'll feel better soon (and who brings me tea in the meantime), and my cough doesn't seem to be such a big deal. I am a very lucky person, even in my sickness.

As for the sickness itself, I think today marks the first day of official progress. My cough is a bit less frequent, and has lost the hollow barking nastiness of the past few days, which is a huge relief. My head is not so achy and I slept well last night, so that's great. I still have tomorrow to rest, and then I'm really crossing my fingers that I'll be back to feeling good on Wednesday.

Thank you to all of you who are there, regardless of the distance, to support me when I need it. It means a lot to me.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better! It's nice that your neighbors are so nice. Love the beautiful flowers. Wishing you well. Love you!
