Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Year Already?

Well, Sunday was my birthday, and I am now 26 years old. More importantly, Thursday is the anniversary of the day we arrived in NZ, so we are now 1-year-old Kiwis! Yahoo! It doesn't feel like a year to me, but I think that that is partially because we moved in the middle, so we haven't had a full year to settle in. 

I decided that in honour of our first full year in NZ, I would post some pictures that haven't quite fit into any of my posts, but are still pretty great. They are not really from all throughout the year, as I tend to delete pictures after a while if I'm not going to post them, but there are still some good ones, so hopefully it will be enjoyable.

First, to take care of birthday information - J and I went snowboarding again on my birthday, and it was wonderful. We were exponentially better the second time, and I went from falling an average of two times per descent to only falling four or five times all afternoon, and even being able to steer! It was a very exciting birthday present! 
This is the view from near the ski fields on Mount Turoa. It's a pity that the picture doesn't capture depth very well. Trust me, you are seeing a very long way. J was telling me just the other day that visibility here is way further than in the States, due to less air pollution.

You will notice a disproportionate amount of pictures that come from my daily bike rides to work. That is because that is the part of my life that most often makes me stop to marvel at how beautiful NZ is.

These are two of the most delicious drinks we've had in NZ (though we didn't know it yet when I took the picture). The one on the right is an iced coffee something with real cream on top and ice cream in it, and the one on the left is a mint hot chocolate.

Notice the beautiful light reflecting off the wet boardwalk.

Holly is the best hugger I have ever met.

Spring has sprung, and little calves in the field next to my bike path watch me go by every morning. They are fairly irresistibly adorable.

I usually love bright colours in the sky, but this shimmery silver-grey in the sky and sea was breathtaking.

Holly waiting eagerly for me to throw the ball, and looking adorable.

Less adorable while actually catching it, but still impressive.

Not sure what made the sun reflect off the ocean like that, but it was stunning!

Again, spring has sprung, and in NZ, that means lambs, lambs, and more lambs. On our long drives back and forth to Mount Turoa, I spent ages fawning over the cuteness of the little fluffs of white prancing around the fields after their moms. This is the first black one I've seen (and fortunately we were walking instead of driving), so I snapped a picture. I love black lambs, although my favourite is actually white wool and black body, like the mom.

Living in Taranaki, I would be deeply disloyal if I did not include at least one picture of the regal Mount Taranaki. People here (including me) are very proud of their mountain. You can see it from almost anywhere, as long as it's not too cloudy, which makes you more appreciative of clear, sunny days when you can see it. It is common to hear, "Did you see how beautiful the mountain is today?" in daily discussions, and each time you catch a glimpse of it, you just have to pause and be thankful that you live in such a beautiful place.

J and I are truly thankful for our first year in NZ, and are so happy to have landed in such a great place. We are thankful to be healthy and capable, and are eager to see what the next year will bring.


  1. Kathy here: Such adventures you have had already. I know that Ottawa does not hold a candle, but we do miss you! I hope you both have continued success and more wonderful adventures!

    1. Kathy, Ottawa has its ups and downs, but it will forever be dear to our hearts due to all the wonderful times we had with you and Matt. You were the foundations of our life there, and it was fantastic. We miss you a lot!

  2. I love all the pictures! The mountains are my favorite. Thank you for taking the time to take us on your adventures and for all the wonderful pictures. I really enjoy the pictures of you and J together but I know that is not always easy to do. Thanks again, happy birthday and happy anniversary!

    1. Thanks, Kim. We love the mountains as well. I am glad to know that you enjoy seeing the pictures. :)
