Friday, May 2, 2014

New Plymouth House Pictures

Drumroll, please....

This is our house in Glen Avon, New Plymouth! Isn't it lovely?

This part of the hill is part of our yard as well. There is a fence at the top that encloses it, but you can't really see it in the picture.

This is looking towards the road - there is a house in between us and the road. The people who live there are very nice, and they have 4 little dogs that love to yap at Holly. She mostly seems confused by their presence, but she doesn't bark at them, so we're happy.

Heading around the side of the house, with views of our little shed and the built-in barbecue next to it. There is also a house back there behind ours, with nice people in it. They have a huge chocolate lab that wants to "play" with Holly by jumping on her, but she does not approve. Hopefully she will get used to it, but they can't see through that part of the fence, so they only have to interact if I take her over to visit.

Back yard, complete with veggie garden and compost bin.

The back of the house.

Side garden. The exciting part about this is the trees - we have a peach tree, a lemon tree, and a nectarine tree! Only the lemon tree has fruit on it yet, as they are all very small, but it's still exciting!

Also, these really cool flowers are blooming in several of the gardens! I love them!

That is the front door at the end of the hallway, so that's where you come in.

This is the lounge, with it's beautiful windows! I actually had to use my computer to lighten the shadows in the rest of the room, or you couldn't see it at all! I am currently sitting in the green chair by the window, which is the perfect spot for me. When I sat here reading this morning, I had to wear my sunglasses because I was being blinded by the intensity of the sun on the pages of my book.

At the other end of the lounge is the "dining room," which in this case means the part of the carpet where we set our table and chairs.

On the other side of the dining room is the kitchen, with lovely black granite countertops and a great island.

This is looking from the corner of the kitchen past the dining room and into the lounge, to give you a sense of how it all fits together.

This is our bedroom. It's hard to get a good picture of it, but it is a nice, big room with lovely windows.

This is the spare bedroom, set up pretty much the same way the old one was. Notice the beautiful quilt from Trade-Aid (NZ 10,000 Villages).

This is J's office. Minimalist, as always, but with plenty of room for him to have his private space.

Bathroom. The washer and dryer, when they finally get delivered some day, will go just to the right of our towels.

Other angle of the bathroom. The toilet is its it's own little room just to the left of where you can see, but still within the big bathroom.

Well, that's our house! We are very happy with it. It is not in pristine condition - there are definitely bumps and bruises, but that is actually good, because it makes it easier to feel at home and not worry so much about the little things. Our landlady seems very nice, and so I think it is all good.

As you probably noticed, Holly very helpfully assisted me in taking most of these pictures. She is a very thoughtful dog. On a side note, she does wonderfully in her new bike trailer, but I need to reinforce the bottom of it before I put her in it again, as she is rather heavier than the average child that rides in a bike trailer. But I'll get it done soon and post some pictures.


  1. Emma - what a comfortable-homey looking place. Delighted to hear that all the transition plans are falling into place so well. Enjoy and happy new jobs to you both.
    Jean (Krahn)

    1. Thanks, Jean. We like it, and we are thrilled at how well things are going. Now we both just need to get settled in the new jobs, and all will be well.

  2. Great looking place. Trust the three of you will be very comfortable there.

  3. Kathy Lee: Your new home looks really lovely! I'm sure you'll be settled in no time!

    1. Hi Kathy. We're already feeling pretty settled - amazing how quickly a place can start to feel like home. Now, if we just had some friends from Canada to visit, I think that would seal the deal! :)

  4. Thanks for the tour. I know you will love New Plymouth once you both are settled in. Give J my love. I am in the process of getting a new coputer and should have it by next weekend. Love you both!

    1. You're welcome, Kim. I think New Plymouth is a good place for both of us. Good luck with your new computer.

  5. Fantastic, wonderful, awesome. You have nested so well! I can imagine you and J actually using this lovely space. There's no place like home.....MD

    1. Thanks, Mary. It is a very lovely home, and we are really enjoying it.
